Nothing is left,
The debt has been paid.
No interest is due,
No payments need made.
My blood paid your debt,
My stripes healed your ills,
My purpose accomplished–
My own Father’s will.
Divine is your favor.
Complete is your life.
I carry your burdens.
I carry your strife.
Go forward in freedom.
Go out and proclaim,
The glory and power
Of My Holy Name!
Accomplish your purpose,
The Father’s own will.
By God’s Holy Spirit
Your life He will fill.
Bring into My Kingdom
My sheep who are lost,
The sick and the sinful;
Don’t count the cost.
For nothing is left,
The debt has been paid.
No interest is due,
No payments need made.
My blood paid your debt,
My stripes healed your ills,
My purpose accomplished–
My own Father’s will.